"Speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.
-Alan Watts

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New York In a Nutshell

There is so much I could say following THAT as a title. Tom Waits once described his so loathed town as "a ship, and the water's on fire" and I admit to sharing similar feelings. I'm specifically talking about Manhattan. Yes, it's true that I've not fully become jaded to the New York scene, mainly its inhabitants. I could even speak towards some of the still endearing qualities of this place but seeing as if I do it'll undoubtedly morph into a rant and take up too much of your time. I'll keep it short and throw in some video clips.

This first one you can choose to omit as it's a bit slow. However, I warn you it's quite interesting. It's a clip of beat writer William S. Burroughs paired up with the unique and distinguished musical stylings of Kurt Weil. Burroughs sits, alone in what seems to be stage light warehouse as he recites Bertolt Brecht's lyrics to What Keeps Mankind Alive? This is a song originally written by both Weil and Brecht for their musical drama The Threepenny OperaWithout further introduction, the late, great William S. Burroughs ladies and gentlemen:

This next song Is the Tom Waits cover version. Those of you who are familiar with and shy away from Waits' music can also choose to omit this in which case I apologize for waisting your time. Hopefully you've clicked on a link that's interested you, followed it to Wikipedia and searched the links towards the bottom for more information.

I needn't say anymore, it's all in the music.



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