"Speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.
-Alan Watts

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Never Ending: More Promotional Work

Recently I was asked to assist one of my friends on his short film. I accepted and was given the title of director of photography. The film is currently in its final stages. While I won't say anything about it I'll give you a look at an additional contribution of mine, the promotional poster.

I should mention that this is not the final draft of the poster as it is missing the location of the public screening. This will be taking place in a Brooklyn bar called The Way Station.
Located at:
683 Washington Ave
btw prospect and st marks
Prospect Heights, Brooklyn 11238
A to Washington or 2/3 to BK Museum or Q to 7th Ave
B45 to Washington Ave and Prospect Place (stops right in front of bar)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Two Videos Worth Watching

Here are two videos from Youtube that the writer feels are important enough to share and well worth the combined 11 minutes of your life to listen to.
I wish everyone viewing these videos to maintain a clear and open mind for this is the best way to make honest, direct observation. It is nonsensical and damaging to filter content as it streams into consciousness only to further cast judgement upon it. Rather, observe everything as it is, go into it, understand it, and then if you feel it still necessary you may continue to sort it out and judge it upon already established beliefs and so on. A word to keep in mind, metaphor.


If you are on a tablet that does not accept flash-based media, please take note of the names and urls of the previous mentioned videos.

Alan Watts The Way of Waking Up - HD/HQ:    http://youtu.be/7blUYJm6i-c

Alan Watts - you are god in the dance of life:    http://youtu.be/bX8D0yU0pMc

Friday, February 17, 2012

100th Post - Recent Work

I've been neglecting this blog as well as the additional blog I run which, aside from some fundamental differences, shows the same work as I do here on One Hand Clapping.

Here is a compilation of the most recent work I've been focusing on:

Recent work

From left to right:
Arrangement for Yellows and Blues: Alegro con Brio - 2012;  36" x 29"  Pigment print from digital file
Arrangement for Reds and Blues: Larghetto con Motto - 2012; 36" x 29" Pigment print from digital file
Nocturne in E: Grave quasi Lamentoso - 2012; 36" x 29" Pigment print from digital file
Arrangement for Tones - 2012; 18" x 28" Pigment applied to mulberry paper

The less I say about them the more freedom I give to you in order to interpret them or better put, experience them as your own, in your own way.
Enjoy and thanks for sticking with me till now.
: )



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